This APP is still a prototype so some extra actions may be required:
For a new match to be found, open the right panel (from the main page) and click on "Matches", to trigger the new match sequence.
The registration is stil optional, the app works without its completion. A shortcut is available to skip the registration, click on the first question:'What is your name?' to skip the registration and go directly to the Card Page.
The introductory GIF can be exited before its end, just tap on it.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent tempor eleifend ipsum, at gravida arcu. Vestibulum nec maximus quam, scelerisque feugiat urna. Integer sed tellus tempus turpis imperdiet ultricies. Aenean congue, erat at vehicula vehicula, mauris arcu molestie diam, ut placerat nisl libero in neque. Aenean pellentesque nec urna eu ornare. Ut sed nisi ligula. Aenean ornare, est id porttitor tincidunt, velit metus tempor dolor, a luctus nisi diam id erat. Sed suscipit ligula id semper consectetur. Integer euismod lorem in nulla sollicitudin ornare. Praesent ut turpis elementum, tincidunt turpis et, molestie est. Fusce placerat purus id sagittis laoreet. Maecenas mattis, nibh vitae hendrerit porta, sapien neque dictum libero, dapibus malesuada sapien est eget est. Proin volutpat dolor quis velit cursus ullamcorper. Nunc at lobortis elit. Aenean tempor semper blandit. Cras porttitor tellus dui, sed euismod eros mollis ac. In aliquam porta nisi, eu volutpat nisi euismod nec. Nulla diam neque, venenatis id urna id, ornare vulputate neque. Sed eleifend luctus libero, sed luctus enim euismod eget. Etiam ultrices pretium quam. Etiam non metus sit amet urna condimentum sodales et pharetra mi.
Lots of experience
Dummy Example
I've played guitar for 5 years, with 5-level certificate.
Goo Goo Dolls
Especially good at taking photos of scenery.
Sunset Glow
Self learnt, able to perform easy songs.
The Little Star
Scored 144/150 in college entrance exam.
Gauss Problem
Ever learned 3 years sketch and 5 years color.
Grade Exam of Level 10
Country music interest
Youtube channel with 850k followers
First prize in comptition
5 year user of Canon
Professional on night shots
Play for 15 years
Live playing Mozart and Chopin
took part in Orchestra
What is your name?
How old are you?
What would you like to learn?
What can you teach?
Do you like to meet in real life to teach and learn?